For enrollment, you may visit our enrollment page for more information and download an enrollment application. Interested in working at HAPA? We have a few job openings. Please visit our news section for more information.

Parents & Guardians

Family Services

Parents & Guardians


If you are interested in registering your child at HAPA and would like more information, please contact Mrs. Pua Song at 414-797-2223 or  Feel free to download the Enrollment Application to register your child.  You will need to bring the Enrollment Application and any required documents to HAPA.  There will be other documents that are part of the enrollment process that will need to be completed at HAPA.

2025-2026 Enrollment Application

Parent Teacher Conferences

The purpose of parent-teacher conferences is to form a partnership and strengthen the communication between the home and school to support scholars in their academics.

Parent-Teacher conferences are held in November, January, and March of each year. The January conference date is not required for all parents but is attended by parents who receive a request from their children’s teachers. During these meetings, teachers will discuss the scholar’s strengths and areas of improvement. It is also a time for parents to inquire about the strategies to implement at home, homework expectations and policy, grade level expectations, and other areas of concern or interest.

Your Child and The Bus

HAPA provides the yellow bus transportation to most scholars to and from school each day. HAPA adheres to the Milwaukee Public Schools transportation policy. Ensuring that each child arrives to school and home safely is the goal of the school. Pupil Transportation Services (PTS) considers the transportation of your child a very important assignment, but this assignment requires a high level of parental cooperation and support. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us or Pupil Transportation Services at 475-8922 between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm.

HAPA Main Campus

AM Transportation Schedule Drop-Off at 7:00 a.m.

PM Transportation Schedule Pick-Up at 2:20 p.m.

School Hours- 7:00 a.m. to 2:20 p.m.

Denver Campus

AM Transportation Schedule Drop-Off at 7:15 a.m.

PM Transportation Schedule Pick-Up at 2:05 p.m.

School Hours- 7:15 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Family Services

Extended Day Care Programs

Extended daycare is available to families at Main Campus in the morning beginning at 6:3o am and at main campus in the afternoon up to 4:15 pm. If parents drop off their children before 6:30 am for morning daycare, they must stay with their children until staff arrives.

Scholars who are picked up by an adult after school will remain in the after school care room until their parent arrives. Parents must pick up their children by 4:15 p.m.

Students are only supervised until the school day starts or until they are picked up by an adult.

Home Visits

Home visits are conducted yearly when a new family enrolls or if a scholar has frequent attendance issues.

In the case that a scholar is habitually absent, a home visit by the principal and impact coach will be conducted. Daily attendance is crucial for any scholar’s academic achievement.


With our high percentage of ELL scholars, the school has employed several bilingual educators to assist in translating during parent-teacher conferences and other home to school communication. 

Attendance Rules

One of our goals at the Hmong American Peace Academy is to enable all scholars to receive a quality education. Good attendance will help us accomplish that goal.

Every day your child is in attendance, he/she feels more comfortable in school and it helps them to keep pace with their class. Every day missed puts your child behind in his/her work. We believe in providing consistent academic programming for our students. We have a waiting list for some of our grade levels and expect your child to be in school each day we are in session. In order to maintain his/her seat at HAPA, we are requesting that you follow these requirements:

  • If your child has to be absent, please call the school office as follows to report his/her absence by 7:30 a.m.:
    • Primary  414-383-4944
    • Intermediate  414-797-2222
    • Middle School  414-383-4740
    • High School  414-797-2223
  • If your child is ill, please keep him/her home. If it is something communicable (chicken pox, strep throat, etc.), we would appreciate a call so the classroom can be notified. Also, if you know your child will be absent for an extended length of time (example: hospitalization, out-of-town funeral, etc.), please let us know in advance, if possible.
  • It is very important that a written excuse with the date(s) and reason for absence is sent to school when your child returns.
  • If a written excuse is not received by the school within 72 hours of the return of your child from an absence, your child will be considered truant and it will go on his/her permanent record. We will also send a letter home to you.
  • If your child should accumulate five truancies, he/she would be considered habitually truant and we are required to visit your home and report it to the District Attorney.

The education of your child is extremely important to us. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s division:

  • Primary  414-383-4944
  • Intermediate  414-797-2222
  • Middle School  414-383-4740
  • High School  414-797-2223

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Download Absence and Returning to School Written Excuse Hmong Version

Download Absence and Returning to School Written Excuse English Version

HAPA Illness and Injury Policy

Illness and Injury Policy

Food Service

HAPA serve both breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria FREE of charge. The community eligibility provision allows schools with high numbers of low-income children to serve free breakfast and lunch to all scholars without collecting school-meal-benefit applications. The community eligibility provision ensures that all scholars can receive healthful school meals, regardless of income. This option increases participation in school-meal programs, which in turn boosts academic performance because well-fed scholars are better prepared to learn.

Nutritious school meals (breakfast and lunch) offered are operated through the National School Lunch and National Breakfast Program in connection with the Milwaukee Public Schools system. The Department of School Nutrition supports academic achievement by providing scholars with high quality, nutritious meals, with an emphasis on exceptional customer service and financial responsibility.

Supply Lists

Download 2024-2025 Primary (K4-2) Supply List

Download 2024-2025 Intermediate (3-5) Supply List

Download 2024-2025 Middle School (6-8) Supply List

Download 2024-2025 High School (9-12) Supply List


School Calendar

2024-25 School Calendar